Read our latest news including judicial speeches, consultations and consultation responses. 

Published speeches reflect the individual judicial office holder's personal views, unless otherwise stated.


Inverness Justice Centre court room

Criminal Courts Rules Council Appeal Sheriff vacancy

Oct 20, 2023

A vacancy has arisen for an Appeal Sheriff member of the Criminal Courts Rules Council.

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Legally qualified member - The Scottish Land Court and Lands Tribunal for Scotland

Oct 16, 2023

The Scottish Ministers are inviting applications from suitably qualified individuals who wish to be considered for appointment as a legally qualified member of the Scottish Land Court.

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The court sits for the Opening of the Legal Year

Opening of the Legal Year 2023-24

Sep 25, 2023

The Lord President, Lord Carloway, introduced the opening of the legal year today at a ceremony in Court 1 at Parliament House.

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The Role of a Senator

Sep 21, 2023

On Thursday 5 October 2023 (5.15-7pm), the Lord President will be chairing a virtual information session that will provide an insight into the working life of a Senator for now and the future and demystify what the role involves. The Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland application process will also be discussed.

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Fifteen new King's Counsel appointed.

Sep 13, 2023

Fifteen new King’s Counsel have been appointed by His Majesty The King on the recommendation of First Minister Humza Yousaf.

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Jury Manual updates

Sep 7, 2023

The Jury Manual Committee has updated the guide for jurors to help address misconceptions or stereotypes that could impact jury deliberations in cases involving rape and other sexual offences.

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wig and book in court second

New Sheriffs Appointed

Aug 11, 2023

Serving Glasgow & Strathkelvin, Grampian, Highland and Islands, Lothian & Borders, North Strathclyde, South Strathclyde, Dumfries & Galloway and Tayside, Central & Fife Sheriffdoms.

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Senior Judiciary respond to Regulation of Legal Services Bill

Aug 9, 2023

The response of the senior Scottish judiciary to the Equality, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee’s call for views on Regulation of Legal Services Bill has now been published.

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Sheriff Principal Kate Dowdalls

Summary Sheriff Virtual Information Event

Aug 4, 2023

Sheriff Principal Kate Dowdalls KC will be chairing a virtual information session that will provide an insight into the working life of a Summary Sheriff for now and the future and demystify what the role involves.

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New Sheriff Principal for Tayside, Central and Fife

Aug 4, 2023

Gillian Wade KC has been installed as the new Sheriff Principal for Tayside, Central and Fife.

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Sheriff Principal Kate Dowdalls

New Sheriff Principal for South Strathclyde, Dumfries and Galloway

Jul 4, 2023

Kate Dowdalls KC has been installed as the new Sheriff Principal of the Sheriffdom of South Strathclyde, Dumfries and Galloway.

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Two senators appointed to the Inner House

Jun 23, 2023

Lord Armstrong and Lord Beckett have been appointed to the Second Division of the Court of Session effective from 23 June 2023 and 1 July 2023 respectively.

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Glasgow Tribunals Centre

Scottish Tribunals Annual Report 2022-23

May 31, 2023

The Lord President has today published the President of Scottish Tribunals’ sixth Annual Report.

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New Sheriff Principal of Glasgow and Strathkelvin

May 22, 2023

Sheriff Principal Aisha Anwar has become the first female Sheriff Principal of Glasgow and Strathkelvin, following a ceremony at Glasgow Sheriff Court on Friday 19 May 2023

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New senator installed at the College of Justice

May 19, 2023

The former Sheriff Principal of Glasgow and Strathkelvin, Craig Turnbull, has today (Friday 19 May) been installed as a Senator of the College of Justice.

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New President and Vice President of Sheriff Appeal Court

May 10, 2023

Following the upcoming retirement of Sheriff Principal Marysia Lewis and Sheriff Principal Craig Turnbull’s appointment as a Senator of the College of Justice, the Lord President has appointed Sheriff Principal Aisha Anwar as President of the Sheriff Appeal Court and Sheriff Principal Sean Murphy as Vice President. Appointments are effective from 1 August 2023 and 17 May 2023, respectively.

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New President of the Scottish Tribunals

Apr 5, 2023

The President of the Scottish Tribunals, Lord Woolman will step down from the role on 30 April 2023, before his upcoming retirement in May 2023. Lady Wise, Senator of the College of Justice, has been assigned by the Lord President to be the next President of the Scottish Tribunals commencing 01 May 2023.

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Judicial Attitude Survey Published

Apr 4, 2023

The Judicial Office for Scotland has today published the Judicial Attitude Survey (JAS) 2022.

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First Minister Humza Yousaf taking the oath of office

Scotland’s sixth First Minister sworn in at the Court of Session

Mar 29, 2023

Humza Yousaf was sworn in by the Lord President as Scotland’s sixth First Minister and Keeper of the Scottish Seal, at the Court of Session this morning.

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Appointment of King’s Counsel 2023

Mar 10, 2023

The Lord Justice General invites applications by advocates and solicitor advocates seeking recommendation for appointment as King’s Counsel in Scotland.

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