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The independence of the judiciary is essential to safeguard people’s rights under law - enabling judges to make decisions impartially based solely on evidence and law, without interference or influence from the government or politicians.

When deciding a sentence, a judge must deal with the offence that the offender has been convicted of, taking into account the unique circumstances of each particular case. The judge will carefully consider the facts that are presented to the Court by both the prosecution and by the defence.

For more information about how judges decide sentences; what sentences are available; and matters such as temporary release, see the independent Scottish Sentencing Council website.

Read more about victims of crime and sentencing.

Read more about civil judgments.

HMA v Michael Beaton & Dylan John Dunlop

Feb 16, 2024

At the High Court in Edinburgh today, Lord Ericht jailed Michael Beaton and Dylan John Dunlop for their involvement in dealing class A drugs. The conviction included a serious organised crime aggravation. Beaton received a sentence of 5 years & 219 days. Dunlop was handed a sentence of 3 years & 4 months. Beaton received an additional consecutive sentence of 4 months for assaulting police officers.

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HMA v Ciaran Dickson

Feb 16, 2024

At the High court in Glasgow, Lord Colbeck sentenced Ciaran Dickson to 6 years in prison for causing the death of Aidan Pilkington by dangerous driving whilst under the influence of alcohol. Dickson has also been banned from driving for 9 years and will be required to sit an extended driving test.

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HMA v Martin Black

Feb 9, 2024

On 9 February 2024 at a Preliminary Hearing at the High Court of Justiciary at Glasgow Martin Black pled guilty to contraventions of sections 5(1)(a), 1(1)(b), and 21(1) and 21(4) of the Firearms Act 1968 and to two contraventions of section 2(1) of the Air Weapons and Licensing Act 2015. Lord Doherty sentenced him to 9 years’ imprisonment.

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PF Dundee v James Walton

Feb 1, 2024

At Dundee Sheriff Court, Sheriff Jillian Martin-Brown imposed a Community Payback Order on James Walton after the offender pled guilty to a series of domestic offences.

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HMA v Mohammad Taheen Abrar Chowdhury

Jan 25, 2024

At the High Court in Kilmarnock today, Judge Alistair Watson sentenced Mohammad Taheen Abrar Chowdhury to 54 months detention. A jury had earlier found the offender guilty of charges of rape, attempted rape, abusive behaviour, assault and vandalism. Chowdhury has also been added to the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely and issued with non-harassment orders.

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HMA v Craig Morrison

Jan 23, 2024

At the High Court in Edinburgh today, Lady Wise sentenced Craig Morrison to 10 years and 6 months in prison and added his name to the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely. Morrison had been found guilty rape, assault and threatening behaviour.

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HMA v Ryan Grant Steehouder

Jan 23, 2024

On 28 November 2023 at the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh Ryan Grant Steehouder was convicted after trial of rape and 3 further offences. On 23 January 2024 at the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh Lord Doherty sentenced him to 6 years imprisonment, with a further 2 year extension period on licence in the community. He will be subject to the notification requirements of Part 2 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 indefinitely and is also subject to a non-harassment order.

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HMA v Sam Atkins

Jan 22, 2024

At the High Court in Glasgow today, Lord Clark sentenced Sam Atkins to life imprisonment with a minimum period of 18 years. Atkins had previously admitted charges of murder and assault.

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HMA v Sarah McDermott, Margaret Hughes and Eileen Igoe

Jan 18, 2024

At Airdrie Sheriff Court today, Sheriff Scott Pattison sentenced each of the accused, Sarah McDermott, Margaret Hughes and Eileen Igoe to 3 years in prison. All three had been found guilty of historic charges of child cruelty whilst in a position of trust.

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HMA v Robert O'Brien and Andrew Kelly

Jan 15, 2024

At the High Court in Glasgow, Lord Braid sentenced Robert O'Brien and Andrew Kelly to life imprisonment after they were convicted of murder. The punishment part, the minimum time they must spend in prison before being eligible for parole, was set at 22 years for Robert O'Brien and 18 years for Andrew Kelly.

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HMA v Mark Thompson

Jan 12, 2024

At the High Court in Edinburgh Lady Poole sentenced Mark Thompson to 8 years imprisonment after the offender was convicted of sexually abusing three boys over a period of 15 years.

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HMA v James Henderson

Jan 12, 2024

At the High Court in Edinburgh, Lady Haldane sentenced James Henderson to an extended sentence of 18 years after he was found guilty of three charges of rape and a further charge of attempted rape. The sentence includes a 14 year custodial period and a 4 year extension at licence in the community. The offender has been banned from contacting the complainers and has been added to the Sex Offenders' Register for life.

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HMA v Keith John Stevenson

Jan 11, 2024

At the High Court in Edinburgh today, Lord Arthurson sentenced Keith John Stevenson to 12 years in prison for attempted murder.

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HMA v Jessie Hunter

Jan 10, 2024

At Dunoon Sheriff Court, Sheriff Nicola Patrick fined Jessie Hunter £2075 after the offender pled guilty to causing death by careless driving. She was also disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for life

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HMA v Craig Kenneth Elwood

Jan 10, 2024

At Edinburgh Sheriff Court, Sheriff Iain Nicol imposed an extended sentence of 6 years on Craig Kenneth Elwood after the offender pled guilty to assault to injury and robbery and assault to severe injury.

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HMA v Kenneth Quinn

Jan 10, 2024

At the High Court in Kilmarnock, Lady Stacey sentenced Kenneth Quinn to 15 years imprisonment after the accused was convicted of multiple charges including assault, rape, assault to severe injury and permanent disfigurement as well as threatening and abusive behaviour.

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HMA v Dean Ferguson

Jan 8, 2024

At the High Court in Glasgow today, Lord Clark sentenced Dean Ferguson to 6 years and 4 months in prison. The offender had previously pled guilty to the culpable homicide of Billy Jo Bates.

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HMA v Steven Black, Robert Turkiewicz and Lee Johnston

Dec 21, 2023

At the High Court in Glasgow, Judge Brown sentenced Steven Black, Robert Turkiewicz and Lee Johnston to respective prison terms of 9 years, 27 months and 27 months after the three admitted drug related offences.

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HMA v Dawid Zywicki

Dec 19, 2023

At the High Court in Edinburgh, Lord Scott sentenced Dawid Zywicki to 9 years imprisonment after the offender pled guilty to causing death by dangerous driving.

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HMA v Steffan Cox

Dec 13, 2023

At the High Court in Glasgow today, Lord Young sentenced Steffan Cox to 12 years and 9 months in prison, with a further 3 year extension period on licence in the community. The offender had been convicted of three charges of rape and other sexual offences. He will be subject to the notification requirements of the Sex Offenders’ Register indefinitely and is also subject to non-harassment orders.

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