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Summary Sheriff Virtual Information Event


Aug 4, 2023

Sheriff Principal Kate Dowdalls KC will be chairing a virtual information session that will provide an insight into the working life of a Summary Sheriff for now and the future and demystify what the role involves.
On 10 August 2023 at 5:15 pm, Sheriff Principal Kate Dowdalls KC will be chairing a virtual information session that will provide an insight into the working life of a Summary Sheriff for now and the future and demystify what the role involves.The Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland application process will also be discussed.

Members of the panel will include representatives Deirdre Fulton and Emma Marriott from the Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland, Summary Sheriff Adrian Fraser, Summary Sheriff Siobhan Connolly and Sheriff Adrian Cottam, Deputy Director of the Judicial Institute.

Those who wish to attend should click on the following link to register – The Role of a Summary Sheriff Event Registration.

This event is being facilitated by the Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland (JABS) using the MS Teams platform. The event will be recorded. On joining the event attendees will have their cameras and microphones disabled and we recommend that attendees enter “Guest” as their screen name when joining the event in order that anonymity can be maintained.

The recording and any transcripts made will be held by JABS and will be published on the JABS website and YouTube channel for the duration of the Summary Sheriff 2023 competition. Once the competition has concluded the recording will be removed from our platforms but may be retained by JABS for training purposes in line with JABS records management and data retention policies.

By registering for attendance, attendees consent to this recording being made.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions of the panel and these can be emailed in advance to the Judicial Office for Scotland at

Please indicate if you wish your question to be anonymous. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions on the evening itself using the chat function. A programme for the event and additional information will be issued in advance of the even